Tuesday, February 26, 2008

EKG February 24, 2008 Show Photos are up!

Well, 47 of them anyway! I've got more to post, but the show was indoors and as most of you know, indoor shooting is virtually impossible (unless you'd like to be blurry and orange) without flash, and I'm not spooking anyone! I should have the remainder of the candids and schooling outdoors shots up within a couple of days. Please visit http://www.talbotphotoart.com/EKG022408.html

Great to see all of you, and to put some names to riders I've been shooting since last year (Chelsea...did you see anything?)! As always, if you see me at a show, come say "Hello!"

As a P.S. to Emma (shown here with Lillith (sp?)!)...Don't forget please!!! I need your bio for "In the Spotlight!" Hugs!