Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Valuable Lesson...

Dear Friends,

You may remember a while ago, I added a post entitled "My Daughter Grew Up With Horses" which was forwarded to me by a friend; the author was unknown. I received an e-mail today from the author who asked me to take the post down, saying that it was an essay she wrote for her daughter, that it was copyrighted and that I did not have permission to use it. I immediately sent an apology and have taken down the post.

I understand why she would be upset, and I've added this post for two reasons. One, if you would like to share someone's work on your website or blog, please go above and beyond to find the author or creator to get permission and two, to reiterate for me, personally, how hurtful it is to find that the photographs here or on my website have been taken without my permission.

Again, my apologies to the author.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

FASL Black Tie & Boots Gala Photos are Up!

To view and purchase photos from this event, please visit talbotphotoart. Don't forget, a percentage of photo sales goes to the FASL! Shown here, the evenings' entertainment, The Wil Gravatt Band. I have to say that if I wasn't a fan of this band and style of music before, I sincerely am now. They were absolutely fabulous, and I've fallen in love! For more on Wil and his band, and to hear tracks, please visit their website at I guarantee you'll become a fan too!