Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"In the Spotlight!" with Ashton and "Chance"!

I am very pleased to introduce you to one of my favorite riders, Ashton!

Hello, my name is Ashton Stanley, I'm 12 years old and I'm in the "Spotlight".
I started riding when I got my first pony "Polly", I was 5 years old then.
We had her for almost two years, then we sold her. When I was 7 I started
riding my Grandma's horse "J.J.". "J.J. taught me how to love and respect
horses. I was 8 years old when I went to my first "horse" camp at
Touch Point Farm in Culpeper. When I was 9 we started looking for a pony.
We finally found the right one "Chance". At first "Chance was a very, very,
bad horse, it took a lot of time, patience, and training from my wonderful
instructor, Meredith Jones at Touch Point Farm to get him were he is now.
With all the help from Meredith, and our friend, Maggie,
Chance is now just an all around awesome horse. I look forward to many more years of riding and many, many more years with "Chance".