Friday, January 11, 2008

Meet the Breed - The Arabian!

I am very pleased to feature the Arabian as the first breed of "It's Time To Ride!" The Arab is known to be the oldest and purest of breeds, and is thought by many to be the most beautiful equine animal in the world. Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Alexander The Great and George Washington owned Arabians, a breed known for endurance and lung capacity. Standing between 14.2 and 15.0 (although Aladdin is 15.2), they are easily spotted by their pointed ear tips and tails held naturally high (which is poopy tails...well, it's true!). The Arab is a quick mover, generally with a lot of suspension, and is intelligent and very kind. Thousands of years ago, nomads even shared their tents in the desert with their equine companion. And, as they are built for stamina, they usually enjoy a life with fewer injuries which may result in lameness.

I am very proud to have Aladdin ("Huntlea Attilla"); one of the most interesting things about him is that his bloodline includes his great great (?) grandfather, Raffles, born in 1926, and who was one of the best-known and most prolific sires in the development of the Arab breed in North America.

Shown below: Emily Moritz and "Dreamboat Annie", an Arab X.