Saturday, September 1, 2007

In the Spotlight! Meagan Meyers & "One-Eyed Jack" ("G.E.")!

September 2007

About me and GE (by Meagan Meyers)

I went to pre-school at Hazelwild and started riding when i was 5. I had to take a year off due to an injury, but I picked it right back up. When i came back i was also swimming. I was into the competative swimming where we even went out of state. I stopped swimming when i found out that i had sports induced asthma. ( so now i only ride.)

One time during a lesson i was put on GE and it wasmy very first time on him. I had a BLAST! Soon after my family started leasing him. Now my brother, sister, mother, and me all ride him (we love him soo much!). I have been leasing GE for about 2 going on 3 years now, and I've loved every minute of it.

The reason that i started leasing GE is because about 6 months before I rode him he had skin cancer. I'm pretty sure that they froze off the cancer but I'm not positive. The college girl who owns him was going to take him to her college but thought it would be too much work since he only has a nostril and a half. She still comes down and rides him when she can (he is loved by everybody! =]] ).

Me and GE have our up and down lessons and shows but we always work it out (sometimes over an apple; some people think its wierd but I share my apples with him. He takes a chunk and then i take a bite!) GE is turning 20 next July, but he doesn't truely show his age. You can tell he's old, just not that old.)

Ge loves to ride in the field and very much enjoys jumping, flatwork is kinda boring to him. He loves treats and will eat almost anything! He loves attention and being pampered! Everybody who works or just passes through the barn loves and enjoys loving GE. He is a barn favorite but not the BEST barn favorite. He makes the barn staff work. He wears a fly mask outside; he and one of the other horses have figured out how to get it off. When he loses it we have to go out to the field and search for it.=]]

This November is going to be Me and GE's first time together at VHSA finals. I don't know what my life would be like if i never met him! I think i would be literally lost, he has taught me sooo much! If i could keep him for ever and ever i would! He is my baby, my love! =]] Long after i can't ride GE anymore, I'm going to lease him and love him!

I also ride John T.( Just Because ) who is a barn pony ( born and raised on Hazelwild), he has been known to get his riders on the ground, and many kids know him as the pony who can open his stall door. I ride Misty ( Litlle Misty Tears) as well, she might be bred next year!! i am soo excited! Misty is one of the first ponies that i have jumped 2'6. She takes care of me. Misty is owned and shown by Anna Burke.